Curricular Unit:Code:
Marketing and Corporate Communication1175MCEP
2UndergraduateBusiness Sciences5 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese/English65
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
o make the students understand the critical role of marketing within the organizations and use the main marketing concepts and tools in order to provide them a market orientation attitude and behaviour.
i) Develop a rationale and customer and market orientation attitude,
ii) Assessing the value of customers,
iii) Segment the market and position the supply,
iv) Acquiring the key planning and marketing strategies skills,
v) Management of the marketing mix components.
vi) Development of strategies and advertising campaign
1. Marketing Definition, Concepts, Process, and Functions
2. Buyer Behaviour
3. Segmentation, Differentiation and Positioning
4. Marketing Planning and marketing Audits
5. Managing the Marketing mix
6. Communication Management
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
1.Marketing concepts and functions. Marketing definitions and sub concepts. Marketing process. The different management philosophies. Market orientation.
2. Consumer behaviour. Variables and models of consumer behaviour. Individual variables and social and psychological variables. Buying decision process and consumer behaviour types.
3. Segmentation, Differentiation and Positioning: Segmentation process and the criteria and bases of segmentation and the phases and procedures of segmentation. Targeting and segmentation strategies. Types of differentiation. Positioning strategies.
4. Strategic Planning and Marketing Audit. The Planning Process Strategic Marketing.
5. Marketing Mix. Product: Definition and Classification of Products and Management Product Lines and Mix. Product Life Cycle. The Price: role in the mix, price objectives and strategies. Price establishment. Promotion and Advertising: Nature and Process of Communication. Management of Media and Advertising Channels.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Continous/periodic assessment of knowledgeThe teaching methodology includes the presentation of concepts and theoretical models, together with examples and case studies, exercises and assignments. The skills assessment will be determined based on the realization of two assessment test (80%) and carrying out a team work group (20%).
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
1. Definition, Concepts and Marketing functions. Core Marketing concepts. The Marketing Process and its stages. The marketing environment. The PEST factors. The different management philosophies: Production, Product and Sales. exemplifications practices. The link between the orientation of the company and its mission. The marketing concept and its pillars. The holistic marketing: relational, integrated, domestic and social. The marketing mix. The'' P'' s and C s. The logic of management of the marketing mix. Implementation issues and practical applications on the subject taught. Preparation of case study. The compound consists of supply and promotional Frey. The expanded marketing mix: People Processes. 2. Consumer behaviour: Definition. Model of consumer behaviour: incentives, patient characteristics and outcomes of purchasing decisions. The different variables of consumer behaviour. An overview of their interdependence. Needs and motivations definition. Hierarchy of needs (Maslow) .Criticism of the model. Attitudes. Definition. The dynamics of attitude. The AIDA model. Application to the evaluation of advertising. Types of buying behaviour: Assael model. The concept of involvement. the process of buying decision. Characterization of the different stages. 3. Segmentation. Concept. The process STP. Types of marketing segmentation. Criteria for an effective targeting. Segmentation variables: Geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioural. Examples of benefit segmentation profile. The different coverage and market segments: undifferentiated, differentiated and concentrated. The segmentation strategies. The invasion plan segment to segment. 4. Support to implementation of the marketing plan. Defining the content and structure of the marketing plan. Presentation of marketing plans made. Questions and comments to the plans. 5. Management of the Marketing Mix: The Product. Product definition and classification. Product lines and mix. Practical examples. The extension lines: Down, upwards and in both directions. Implications for branding and positioning. The product life cycle (PLC). The different phases of the PLC. The Turbulence competitive. The different patterns in the SVC and the relationship between unit sales and profits. Compared with the BCG model. Objectives and strategies for each element of the PLC. Limitations of PLC analysis. The Price: defining the role of price in marketing mix, price objectives and strategies. Promotion and Advertising: Nature and Process of Communication. The Media and Advertising Channels Management.
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