Curricular Unit:Code:
Writing Reports1051EREL
1DoctorateInformation Sciences (Sciences of the Information)15 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
To know how to make a report demonstrating mastery of the competences, aptitudes and methods of research associated with the scientific field, as well as the ability to critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize.
1 - Concept of report
2 - How to make a report
3 - Making a report
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The concepts and skills acquired in this course unit will provide students with knowledge and tools to be able to make reports.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Exposition method, dynamic groups , practical sessions. The assessment will be based on a thematic report or a report of doctoral research activities.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The methodology used helps to understand how to write a report, with a view to apply it during the PhD process.
BECK, L. (2015) Writing Successful Report and Dissertations, Reading:Sage.
ESTRELA, E., SOARES, M. A., LEITÃO, M. J. (2013). Saber Escrever uma Tese e Outros Textos, 9ª ed., Alfragide, Publicações Dom Quixote. (na Biblioteca UFP - BAC 001.89/EST/56240)
FREIXO, M. J. V. (2013). Metodologia Científica, Fundamentos, Métodos e Técnicas, 4ª ed., Lisboa, Instituto Piaget. (na Biblioteca UFP - BRR 001.89/FRE/87104)
KIRKMAN, J. (2005) Good Style: Writing for Science and Technology 2nd ed. Abingdon; Routledge.
ODEN O.; Burgess, H. (2017) How doctoral students and graduates describe facilitating experiences and strategies for their thesis writing learning process: a qualitative approach. Studies in Higher Education. March. Vol. 42 Issue 3, p572-590 (na b-on)
REID, M. (2012) Report Writing, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
TRIBE, R.; Tunariu, A. D. (2017) Preparing for and writing up your doctoral thesis. Psychology of Education Review. Autumn. Vol. 41 Issue 2, p4-13. (na b-on)