Curricular Unit:Code:
Project Seminar and Field Work1082PPTR
1MasterHumanitarian Action, Cooperation and Development6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
(i) To understand the current topics of field work in humanitarian, cooperation and development actions, in such a way as to be able to face new and multi-disciplinary chalenges;
(ii) To acquire advanced knowledge towards a proactive and critical perspective on the various areas of field work.
(iii) To develop capabilities for a fast understanding and adaptation to the project's cultural and operational scenarios.
iv) To develop capabilities for communicating with various audiences, as well as agility and autonomy in the process of continuous learning.
Unit 1. Project tools: Minimum standards in humanitarian responses
1. Humanitarian charter
2. Minimum standards and protection principles
3. Water supply and sanitation
4. Nutrition and food aid
5. Shelter and planning of settlement locations
6. Medical cares
7. Case studies and simulation exercises: forced migrants and refugees
Unit 2. Project tools: Communication, advocacy and capacitation
1. Methods and techniques of communication in humanitarian action: IT Tools
2. Media communication in humanitarian action
3. Advocacy strategies
4. Case studies: social entrepreneurship and education projects
Unit 3. The Project cycle: facing the field
1. The field as a scenario of distress
2. The human factor and the individuality of cultures
3. Cultural supremacy as a permanent ideological danger
4. Problem identification and problem hierarchy
5. Selecting data for a field project
6. The structure of a field project
7. Analysis of case studies
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The unit Work Project aims at preparing the student for autonomous practice as a professional of Humanitarian Action, thus adapting to new multi-disciplinary realities and seeking for innovative strategies and solutions. The wide configuration of the syllabus' subjects aims to develop and deepen both knowledge and skills for research, as well as of judgment and action.
More specifically, this course covers the completion of a supervised project of theoretical and practical nature, by following the format of a dissertation. The fulfillment of this project involves, among other items, the research for knowledge in a specific field and the appropriate use of different instruments of data collection, and analysis and interpretation of results, in addition to the capacity to produce judgment and transmit educated conclusions, thus reinforcing the individual autonomy to learning in the course of daily life.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Teaching methods are based on the specialized seminars and debates. Pertinent data will be made available to students, in the form of essays, books and documentaries. Lectures intend to raise questions and to promote further individual search on each topic.
Assessment will be based on attendance and participation in contact lectures, on review of articles with group discussion, in addition to the production of one written research paper (1500 words paper on one of the topics of the programme, and viva voce presentation and discussion). Final grade will be the sum of the research paper (50%) with the critical review of articles (30%) and participation in class with adequate contributions (20%).
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The three main learning outcomes (to understand the current topics of field work in humanitarian, cooperation and development action; to gain an (advanced) knowledge as regards a proactive and critical perspective on the various areas of field work; and to development capabilities for a fast understanding and adaptation to the project cultural and operational scenario will be achieved, respectively, through lectures in specialized seminars and participation in debates. The student shall demonstrate that they understand the main references and develop a capacity of analysis of the current topics of field work; also a capacity to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions; and a not-less important ability to learn by itself and develop works.
—Fleck, Dieter (2013) The Handbook of International Humanitarian Law. Oxford, Oxford University Press (3ª ed.)
—Paula, Abdon de; Leiras, Adriana; Lukosevicius, Alessandro (2017) Organizational Structure for Disaster Management Projects. Witt Press, WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, Vol 173, 33-42.
—Pattenden, Oliver (2018) Taking Care of the Future. Moral Education and British Humanitarianism in South Africa. Basingstoke, Palgrave MacMillan
—United Nations Development Programme (2015) Support to flood recovery and risk mitigation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Typescript.
—Weiss, Thomas G. (2013) The Humanitarian Business. Oxford, Polity Press
—Steers, Richard M.; Nardon, Luciara; Sanchez-Runde, Carlos J. (2016) Management Across Cultures, Developing Global Competencies. Cambridge , CUP.
—World Health Organization [WHO](2014). Technical Guidelines in Emergencies. Available at: