Curricular Unit:Code:
Neurosciences and Neurolinguistics171NENE
2UndergraduateSpeech Therapy6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
This course aims to discuss recent advances in neuroscience in general, and neurolinguistic, in particular, and its implications in language processing. More specifically, it is intended (i) to familiarize the student with the main psychophysiological methods of study of neuroscience, (ii) provide a comprehensive picture of the brain and linguistic requirements, (iii) analyze the main language disorder as a result of brain injury, and (iv) to familiarize the student with recent areas of research in neurolinguistic.
I. Neuroscience and Neuro
1.1 Conceptual Framework and History
1.2 Objectives and Study Methods
1.3 Approach and Principles of Cognitive Neuropsychology
II. Brain and Language Revisited
2.1 Functional Neuroanatomy
2.2 Hemispheric Dominance and Language Area
2.3 Brain Development, Injury and Neuronal Plasticity
III. Language Disorders
3.1 Definition of Concepts
3.2 Aphasias
3.3 Agnosias
3.4 Verbal Dyspraxia
3.5 Dyslexia and Dysgraphias
IV. Language disorders in Other Diseases Result
4.1 Neurological Disorders (Down syndrome, Williams syndrome, cerebral palsy)
4.2 Dementia and Ataxic Problems (Machado Joseph Disease)
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The adopted teaching methodologies are aligned with the learning outcomes (LO) defined for this curricular unit, in order to allow the student to be informed about facts and procedures in the field of neurolinguistics, to understand concepts and theoretical and clinical models about language disorders, and to apply and build knowledge in this area of activity (reproductive and productive skills, respectively).
In this context, the articulation of expository methodology, that will allow the theoretical presentation and the development of the syllabus, with more practical methodologies, that will foster critical discussion of the issues and activities requiring observation and assessment of language disorders, will be promoted.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
During contact hours (organized in lectures and theoretical-practical classes), the following teaching methodologies will be used: expository (lectures), participatory and active. Non-contact hours are dedicated to student’s autonomous work.
The evaluation of this curricular unit can be continuous or final (end-of-semester, supplementary and special exams periods). In a continuous evaluation, the student must guarantee the minimum attendance defined in UFP Regulatory Standards, and must be approved in the following elements: written test (60%), and individual assignment (40%). Students who fail the continuous evaluation can apply to a final written exam (100%). In order to obtain the ECTS credits of this curricular unit, student must successfully achieve the learning outcomes and skills defined for this curricular unit, and get a final average of at least 9.5.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
This course was designed with respect to knowledge and skills needed by speech-language therapists in the field of language disorders after brain damage or brain dysfunction. Structured in 4 unites of study, the syllabus contents were defined from the objectives previously established, and focus on the development and expansion of knowledge and skills in the following areas: psychophysiological methods of study; brain and linguistic functioning; nosological and comprehensive entity of language disorders; reflexive, collaborative, investigative and ethical work. There is, thus, a total coherence and correspondence between the syllabus and the objectives, namely: I – i, ii; II –i, iii; III and IV – i, iv.
Castro, S. L., Caló, S. & Gomes, I. (2007). Provas de avaliação do processamento da linguagem e afasia em português: PALPA-P. Lisboa: CEGOC.
Hillis, A. E. (Ed.) (2002). The handbook of adult language disorders. Integrating cognitive neuropsychology, neurology, and rehabilitation. Hove: Psychology Press.
Nelson, C. A., de Haan, M. & Thomas, K. M. (2006). Neuroscience of cognitive development. The role of experience and the developing brain. New Jersey: Wiley.
Obler, L. K., & Gjerlow, K. (2000). Language and the brain (ed. rep.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ruiz-Vargas, J. M. & Belinchón, M. (2001). Evaluación y rehabilitación de las afasias. Aproximación cognitiva. Madrid: Editorial Médica Panamericana.
Sá, M. J. (2009). Neurologia clínica. Porto: Edições UFP.
Stemmer, B. & Whitaker, H. A. (Eds.) (1998). Handbook of neurolinguistics. London: Academic Press.
Temple, C. M. (2001). Developmental cognitive neuropsychology. Hove: Psychology Press.