Curricular Unit:Code:
Support Oriented Mental Health Area1006AOAS
1CTSPGerontology and Community Intervention5 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Spring SemesterPortuguese/English65
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
- To identify the organization of the mental health system and the current national and international guidelines on mental health.
- To develop skills essential to intervention in this specific health domain.
- To know the practices and instruments of quality in mental health.
- To know how to guide and make institutional referral of elderly people with specific mental health needs.
1. Mental Health and Society
2. Mental Health in Europe: reality and challenges.
3. Community services and social inclusion
4. Social Determinants of Mental Health
5. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
6. Person-centered medicine and social inclusion
7. Contribution of Epidemiology to Mental Health
8. Social advocacy, recovery and participation of users
9. Patient Safety in Mental Health
10. First Aid in Mental Health
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The content covered is essential for students to acquire the basic knowledge necessary to understand the mechanisms of mental functioning that underlie the most frequent behavioral manifestations and relational distortions that are capable of planning, performing and evaluating the patient in the psychiatric area.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The teaching and learning methodologies will be adapted according to the students and the themes to be taught. Generally, the teaching methods will be directive (expository and demonstrative) and semi-directional (interrogative).
The performance and presentation in the classroom of group work will be a methodology to be used for the study of some of the themes. It is also foreseen the passage of excerpts of films on some of the topics addressed.
Two individual written tests (70% of the final grade) will be done, and a group work, presented in the classroom context (30% of the final grade). The student will be approved to the discipline with the minimum global classification of 9,5 values.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
It is fundamental that there is an effective articulation between objectives, content and methodology so that the student can succeed in the curricular unit. With the use of different teaching methodologies we intend to provide students with the basic knowledge of the discipline and help the students to look for themselves Answers to the questions that are emerging on the themes under study, with the constant support of the teacher in the aid of reflection. The strategies to be selected must adapt to the different learning styles of the students, and their use should be feasible depending on the resources available. Having the student as the center of the process and privileged actor of his learning, active methodologies are proposed that allow the acquisition of conceptual tools and the development of capacities of intellectual curiosity, objectivity, methodical doubt, critical analysis, decision making and evaluation.
Anthony, W., (1999). “Reabilitação Psiquiátrica”, in, Ornelas, J., Actas da Conferência Internacional – Novos desafios na reabilitação de pessoas com doença mental, (pp. 14-24). Lisboa. AEIPS.Fernandes, Barahona (1980) Da psiquiatria para a saúde mental: um modelo antropológico médico. Lisboa: Gráfica Portuguesa.
Gameiro, Aires, O.H. (1978) Guia práctico sobre saúde mental, perturbações psíquicas, prevenção, internamento e reabilitação. Porto: Ed. Salesianas.
Jorge-Monteiro, F., (no prelo). “Prevenção do Estigma Social da Doença Mental”, Folhetos SNRIPD.
Lei n.º 38/2004 – Bases gerais do regime jurídico da Prevenção, Habilitação, Reabilitação e Participação da Pessoa com Deficiência.
Moreira, Paulo et all. (2005) Saúde Mental. Do tratamento à prevenção. Porto: Porto Editora.
PLANO NACIONAL DE SAÚDE MENTAL. 2007—2016. Coordenação Nacional para a Saúde Mental, Ministério da Saúde, Alto Comissariado da Saúde.