Curricular Unit:Code:
Clinical Education I1025EC1
2UndergraduatePhysiotherapy3 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
The aim is to provide a stimulating active-learning environment in the clinical setting which facilitates the development of their critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills. These skills enable the student to develop several habilities:
a) To understand the functioning and service dynamics;
b) To stablish therapeutic interrelations, understanding the relation between health team members;
c) To develop strategies towards heath education;
d) To provide comprehensive care in the community;
e) To understand care organization and priorization;
f) To apply data collection methodologies according to the institution program;
g) To integrate basical concepts related to evidence-based practice;
h) To integrate ethical and deontological concepts in the health care practice, developing a professional consciousness and identity.
I. Physiotherapy in the ambulatory setting: Patient general care; Musculoskeletal examination; Clinical intervention.
II. Physiotherapy in group context: Musculoskeletal examination; Strategies for education and intervention in group context.
III. Physiotherapy in elderly care: Anthropometric and musculoskeletal examination; Strategies for education and intervention in elderly care.
IV. Neuromusculoskeletal Examination: Rationale for the isokinetic evaluation; Neurophysiology, biomechanics and biological principles of training; Development and application of protocols.
V. Physiotherapy in Occupational health: enterprise and school context.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The observation and targeted interventions in real physiotherapy clinical settings will allow students to improve technical skills and the development of different strategies for assessment and intervention. It will also allow the development of skills related to the selection of the best practice to be performed in the clinical case and the ability for critical thinking and clinical reasoning.
Since several components will be held in the community, it will be possible to encompass parents, teachers and caregivers in the intervention process, as well as the contact with multidisciplinary teams.
With the search and information management module, it is intended that students develop an evidence-based practice and self-oriented study.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The clinical practice will be divided in different valences: Physiotherapy in ambulatory setting, Physiotherapy in group context and in elderly care; Neuromusculoskeletal, Physiotherapy in occupational context. The Valences will be conducted in real clinical settings, also including expository and practical classes, towards the development of information search skills.
The evaluation will be continuous, based on the student’s performance during the clinical practice and the clinical reports from each valence.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
In the different modules of clinical practice, the student will be able to contact with real clinical conditions, through targeted and oriented intervention. This intervention in real clinical settings will allow the students to develop their ability of critical and clinical reasoning, providing an encompassed physiotherapy. The valence of literature search and management will allow students to develop their ability to select the clinical approach based on the available evidence.
1. Kisner C., Colby L.A. (1998). Exercícios terapêuticos: fundamentos e técnicas. São Paulo: Manole.
2. O´Sullivan S, Schmitz TJ (2004). Fisioterapia. Avaliação e tratamento. 4ª ed. Manole
3. Bandy, W. D., Sanders, B. (2003). Exercício terapêutico: técnicas para intervenção. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan.
4. Petty, N. J. (2007). Exame e avaliação neuro-músculo-esquelética: um manual para terapeutas 3ª ed. Loures: Lusodidacta.
5. Petty, N. J.; Moore, A. P. (2008). Princípios de intervenção e tratamento do sistema neuro-músculo-esquelético: um guia para terapeutas. Loures: Lusodidacta.
5. Artigos Cientificos