Curricular Unit:Code:
Graduation Project1184PGRD
4UndergraduatePhysiotherapy5 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Spring SemesterPortuguese/English65
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
It is intended with this course that students define a research question in one of the specific areas of Physiotherapy addressed throughout the cycle of studies. It is also intended that they elaborate a research project, in the form of an experimental study or literature review, that allows to answer this question, demonstrating competences in terms of the methodologies of scientific work, namely regarding the definition of the studied topic, the research question, discussion of the methodologies, critical appraisal of the scientific literature and data analysis.
1. Types of clinical questions and respective hierarchies of evidence
2. Searching for scientific evidence
3. Conceptual Research Phase: Formulation of Problems, Questions / Objectives and Hypotheses
4. Methodological Research Phase: Concepts inherent to the design of the research methodology
5. Quality of outcome measures and clinical tests in Physiotherapy
6. Analysis of the methodological quality of scientific studies (diagnostic, prevalence, intervention, systematic review, clinical guidelines)
7. Structure of a research project
8. Types of statistical measurement
9. Univariate data analysis
10. Bivariate data analysis
11. Hypothesis testing
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The syllabus contents of this curricular unit allow to achieve the objectives outlined, through the development of different activities in an integrated manner, based on the research methodology, emphasizing the capacity for critical appraisal of scientific literature, data analysis and integration of specific knowledge of Physiotherapy.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
In this curricular unit, active learning methodologies and expositive classes for the critical analysis of literature, for data analysis and for the development of the research project will be privileged.
The evaluation will be continuous, in informal evaluation moments and two formal evaluation moments that will consist of the delivery of a written work that will consist of a pre-research project where students must define the question they intend to answer and what methodology they intend to implement, based on the principles discussed during the classes and, later, in carrying out a research project and the elaboration of a report (Graduation Project) that will have to be publicly defended before a jury of 3 elements. The pre-project will have a weighting of 20% in the final grade and the Graduation Project (with public defence) will have a weighting of 80% in the final grade of the curricular unit.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
This curricular unit is based on the learning assumptions inherent to the Bologna Process, emphasizing autonomous learning and the development of teaching methodologies focused on the needs of students. In accordance with the objectives of the curricular unit, critical appraisal of scientific literature, data analysis and expositive classes will be privileged, to promote student autonomy in the process of preparing the research project.
1. Fortin, M.F. (1999). O Processo de Investigação. Lusociência, Loures.
2. Hicks, C.M. (2006) Métodos de Investigação para Terapeutas Clínicos – Concepção de Projectos de Aplicação e Análise, Lusociência – Edições Técnicas e Científicas.
3. Jewel, D.L. & Jewel, D.V: (2011). Guide to Evidence-Based Physical Therapy Practice (2nd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Publishers Learning