Curricular Unit:Code:
Methods and Techniques of Physiotherapy VI (Cardio-Respiratory Physiotherapy)1184MTF6
3UndergraduatePhysiotherapy10 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Spring SemesterPortuguese/English130
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
It is intended to provide students with theoretical and practical tools with a view to a comprehensive clinical reasoning in the specific area of cardiorespiratory rehabilitation.
Thus, the student at the end, should develop skills allowing him to be able to identify and execute the different physiotherapy techniques, exercise prescription and education applying them in various contexts and clinical cases. It is considered crucial that the student is able to formulate for each case, an appropriate clinical reasoning to the evaluation and treatment of patients, never losing sight of the indications and contraindications of the chosen techniques.
1. Theoretical component: Anatomofisiology of the cardiorrespiratory system,Ventilatory mechanics, Heart function,Physiological response to exercise,Cardiac and Respiratory pathology,Complementary diagnostic exams,Assessment and classification of the cardiorespiratory patient,Non invasive mechanical ventilation, the physiotherapist approach at the intensive care unit
4.Practical component:
2.1 Assessment and treatment in specific groups
a.Assessment of the candidate to a RRP
b.Laboratory tests /Field tests
c.Functional Performance, Exercise hability
e. Clinical Cases
2.2 Exercise prescription and cardiorespiratory rehabilitation programs
a. Assessment of the candidate to a RRP
b. Development of CRP
c. Exercise prescription
d. Clinical cases
2.2 Respiratory Physiotherapy
e.Manual ventilation rehabilitation
f.Thoracic mobilization techniques, Intra and extra-thoracic airways' clearance, Respiratory Orthoses,Secretion aspiration
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The contents are defined in terms of objectives and competencies to be acquired by students. The syllabus includes the main multiobjective approaches and specific techniques for evaluation and specific treatment which give students tools for evaluation and treatment in the field of cardiorespiratory rehabilitation.
The demonstration of consistency between the objectives of the course and the syllabus is divided between the practical component (recognize, identify, apply, develop, etc.) and the knowledge and understanding of the theoretical content.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The final score is calculated taking into account the 70% of the final practical and 30% of the final theoretical-practical component.
Theoretical-practical: Includes expository and/or discussion format classes with the presentation of case studies. The assessment is comprised of two written tests (95%) and continual evaluation (5%).
Practical: Includes demonstrative lessons and repeated practice of the assessment and physiotherapy treatment techniques used in Assessment and treatment in specific groups, Exercise prescription and cardiorespiratory rehabilitation programs and Respiratory Physiotherapy.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
Teaching methodologies to apply this CU are guided primarily by the adoption of strategies of teaching / learning, student-centered. These aim generally establish learning environments based on the study and individual student work as well as critical thinking and teamwork in an integrated clinical team. The demonstration of the consistency of teaching methodologies with the objective of the course is based on the belief that the classroom is for the student, his laboratory space, individual experimentation and development activities offered to him, beyond communication and context sharing in clinical and class channel. Cognitive skills are developed through participatory exposure and problem solving. Communication skills are acquired through group dynamics and oral presentations.
1.Heyward, V.H. (2006). Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription. 5th ed. Human Kinetics
2.Margareta, N. (2001) Biomecânica Básica do Sistema musculoesquelético. Edições Gunabara Koogan S.A
3. Deturk, W. (2007). Fisioterapia Cardiorrespiratória:baseada em evidências. Artmed
4. Couto, A. e Ferreira, J.M.R. (2004). Estudo Funcional Respiratório – Bases Fisiológicas e Aplicação na Prática Clínica. Lidel.
5. Postiaux, G .(2004). Fisioterapia Respiratória Pediátrica. Artmed
Lecturer (* Responsible):
André Magalhães (
Mariana Cervaens (
Mariana Duarte (
Paula Gonçalves Lopes (
Rui Antunes Viana (
Rui Vilarinho (
Verónica Abreu (