Curricular Unit:Code:
Clinical Education VI (Medical-Surgical Specialties)1025EC6
4UndergraduatePhysiotherapy25 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
a)Understand and integrate the operation/dynamics of the service
b)Develop the capacity of communication with the different situations/actors, considering their values, educational level and religion
c)To integrate the principles of ethics/professional deontology
d)Demonstrate up-to-date theoretical knowledge and be able to integrate them effectively into clinical practice
e)Demonstrate competences in the evaluation and determination of a diagnosis, and also to plan/implement therapeutic interventions, integrating the best available scientific evidence
f)To effectively manage the time and available resources
g)Improve clinical thinking in order to minimize errors and promote best patient outcomes
h)Empowering the patient to achieve the highest level of functionality and their active involvement in their own care
i)Produce an organized registry with appropriate technical language that ensures the correct transmission of the most relevant aspects of the information of the user
By making clinical practice possible, it is intended that the student in clinical teaching acquires a reasoned clinical reasoning in order to be able to select and execute the different techniques referring to the different educational units in a manner appropriate to each clinical case. The student should identify the indications and contraindications of the selected techniques.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
Clinical intervention in different contexts: clinical, community.
Clinical intervention in musculoskeletal, respiratory, neurological and pediatric fields
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
It includes theme seminars (10%) and a supervised clinical practice (90%) where students should apply the techniques of evaluation and treatment in physical therapy learned, in real clinical cases and in different contexts. The evaluation will include the student's practical performance, the elaboration of an internship dossier, with a depth analysis of the various case studies. The final evaluation also includes the classification of the different supervisions (evaluation of clinical dossiers and supervision meetings).
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
Through supervised clinical practice students should apply the techniques of evaluation and treatment in physical therapy learned, in real clinical cases and in different contexts, formulating an adequate clinical reasoning that allow them to evaluate and treat patients in real clinical situations in an increasingly autonomous.
Petty, N. (2007). Exame e Avaliação Neuromusculoesquelética – Um Manual para Terapeutas, 3ª edição, Loures: Lusodidacta.
Petty, N. e Moore, A. (2007). Princípios de Intervenção e Tratamento dos Sistema Neuromusculoesquelético – Um Guia para Terapeutas, 2ª edição, Loures: Lusodidacta.
Hicks,CM (2006) Métodos de Investigação para Terapeutas Clínicos – Concepção de Projectos de Aplicação e Análise, Lusociência – Edições Técnicas e Científicas.
Análise de diversos artigos científicos