Curricular Unit:Code:
Biochemistry and Physiology1184BIFI
1UndergraduatePhysiotherapy3 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Spring SemesterPortuguese/English39
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
This unit focusses on the major metabolic pathways and on inter-cellular comunication, as well as the functional relationships between the major organs involved in the body's metabolic equilibrium. Students will understand the fundamental processes of Biochemistry, metabolism and endocrine physiology. Clinical cases related to metabolism will also be presented, with a aim on developing critical thinking and proble-solving skills.
Lectures: Metabolism: carbohydrate metabolism, lipid metabolism, amino acid metabolism, metabolic interrelationships; Digestion and gastrointestinal absorption; Endocrine system. Laboratory classes: performance of laboratory procedures of application of the several theoretical concepts that allow learning isolation, caracterization, separation and quantification techniques of different types of molecules.
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The syllabus comprising the curricular unit meet the requirements that are set out in the objectives. The aim of the course is the study of the principal metabolic processes, and also of the relation between the organs involved in the maintenance of the metabolic equilibrium. Students should have the capacity of comprehension and acquisition of knowledge in the area of the structural and metabolic Biochemistry and of the endocrine system.
Students are also requested to acquire and develop empirical abilities during the contact with new laboratorial methodologies.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Lectures will be devoted the the exposition of the relevant theoretical concepts and guiding students through the reading material. All subjects will be discussed in detail, including working out sample problems and analysing inborn errors of metabolism, their symptoms and possible treatments. The teaching/learning process is performed in conditions close to laboratory reality (educational simulation). Students will solve practical cases, which are similar to situations they will have in their professional life, which will, using various analytical techniques, develop their critical abilities. Two written exams will have a combined weight of 80% on the final grade, and the laboratory performance will account for the remaining 20% of the grade. A minimum grade of 10/20 will be required for each component.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The complexity of the subject requires careful exposition focussed on the commonalities between the different metabolic pathways and endocrine system and able to identify all information which (by excessively detailed treatment in all available bibliography) may cause self-study to become unwieldy. Drilling exercises and case studies allow the study to focus on the grand unifying principles and to build a coherent knowledge landscape which may support the immediate acquisiton of core competencies , as well as serving as a solid foundation for later improvement.
1) Devlin T.M., 2006, “Textbook of Biochemistry with clinical correlations”, 6.ª edição, Wiley-Liss.
2) Leal F., Lopes Cardoso I., 2013, “Casos Clínicos em Bioquímica”, edições Universidade Fernando Pessoa.
3) Lopes Cardoso I. et al., 2014, “Trabalhos Laboratoriais de Bioquímica”, 3ª edição, edições Universidade Fernando Pessoa.
4) Lopes Cardoso I., Leal F., 2013, “Manual de exercícios de Bioquímica”, edições Universidade Fernando Pessoa.
5) Nelson D.L., Cox M.M., 2021, “Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry”, 8.ª edição, MacMillan.
6) Mckee T. et al., 2008, “Biochemistry: the molecular bases of life”, 4.ª edição, McGraw-Hill.
7) Silva P.J., "Uma panorâmica geral das vias metabólicas", disponível online em