Curricular Unit:Code:
Surgical Nursing I853ECR1
2UndergraduateNursing5 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
To identify pathophysiological changes in surgical pathologies
To know the most common therapeutic phenomena and attitudes in the area of Surgical Nursing
Plan nursing care to the patient in the different phases of the surgical process
Acquire knowledge related to patient recovery actions: directed instruction
To develop research competence, elaboration and discussion of works
Develop skills in interpersonal relationships / help relationship
Develop observation and analysis skills, critical thinking and reflective
Recognize the importance of communication
Exercises in accordance with the ethical, deontological and legal framework (5-15)
Act on fundamentals of care delivery and management (20-30)
Promotes Health (34-41)
Uses the Nursing Process methodology (44-49, 52)
Establishes communication and interpersonal relationships (61- 62)
Identifies safe environment promotion strategies (68-71)
Promotes appreciation of the profession (83-85)
• Introduction to the surgical environment
• Nursing interventions to the person in the different phases of the perioperative (pre, intra and postoperative);
• Nursing interventions to the person under ambulatory surgery;
• Surgical wounds: classification, purpose, as to the potential of contamination, as to urgency;
• Nursing interventions to patients with elective surgeries, namely: of the digestive tract, orthopedic, ophthalmologic, oncological;
• Nursing interventions for patients with elective surgeries, namely: urologic, gynecological, cardio-thoracic, pulmonary, endocrine and neurological;
• Prophylaxis of surgical wound infection and central catheters;
• Type of Surgical dressings;
• Parenterica Nutrition;
• Nursing intervention against therapeutic agents
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
It is intended that the contents selected, are in line with the objectives previously formulated, enabling the students to be trained with the technical-scientific knowledge in the area of Surgical Nursing. The contents are enough to ensure that all guiding principles of the profession and clinical practice in Nursing are covered. The proposed topics aim at the continuous development of students, and all contents are fundamental to acquire the necessary knowledge to develop skills of observation, communication, research, teamwork, critical analysis and decision making, face to theoretical / practical contexts in the scope of Surgical Nursing.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
Expository, participative, demonstrative, active, with support of audiovisual media and joint reflection of the themes; Practical Demonstration Classes; Elaboration of individual and group work, clinical cases, with presentation and discussion, demonstrating, in writing and orally, evidence of clinical reasoning.
Workshop on the person with musculoskeletal changes and tegumentary changes.
Attendance is compulsory for theoretical curricular units, practical theoretical in at least 50% of the hours of the Curricular Unit and 80% of the Laboratory Practice, in order to have access to continuous evaluation. The continuous evaluation is composed of two components: 1 Theoretical frequencies (60%) and the preparation, presentation and discussion of written assignments, clinical cases, based on the scientific methodology (40%)
Examination: Students who do not obtain approval in continuous assessment, can take the exam consisting of 1 written frequency, weighting 100%
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The use of expository, demonstrative, participatory and active teaching methodology, using theoretical frequencies and elaboration of individual and group work, clinical cases, aims to provide students with the basic knowledge, encouraging them to ask the answers to the questions that are going with the support of the teacher and recourse to individual reflection, demonstrating in writing and orally evidence of clinical reasoning. We emphasize the importance of student involvement in the teaching / learning process, the need for analysis and reflection, which implies in addition to expository and interrogative methodology, demonstration, training of competencies and application of the nursing process to consolidate knowledge.
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