Curricular Unit:Code:
Patient Care in the Health Unit1198ADUS
2CTSPHealth Services Aid6 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Winter SemesterPortuguese/English78
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
• Promoting the autonomy of the sick person • Taking responsibility for the care of the sick person • Empowering for the knowledge of warning signs • Applying knowledge in order to prevent infections associated with care
1. CONCEPT OF HEALTH, HEALTH PROMOTION AND PREVENTION OF DISEASE 1.1 Individual health perception: 1.2 Concepts: The four levels of prevention 1.3 Knowing the warning signs for complication-enhancing situations 1.4 The patient in the inpatient unit: implications and impact on the patient and family 2. SUPPORT IN THE PROVISION OF BASIC CARE TO THE SICK PERSON 2.1 Support in hygiene and comfort care 2.2 Support in food and care related to food 2.3 Support in elimination and care related to elimination 2.4 Support in the positioning and transfer of the elderly 2.5 particular situations: the child and the elderly 2.6 At the end of life
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
With the acquisition of theoretical-practical and laboratory knowledge, it is intended that the student is able to transfer them to the development of initial competencies of care in the care of the patient. The presentation of the contents culminates with the realization of a clinical teaching to conceptualize the interdependent care of the person in their various self-care and establish a therapeutic relationship with the target person of the care, initiating the development of competencies at this level.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The curricular unit develops in contact hours and in the student's autonomous working time. For the intended objectives, expositive, interrogative and simulation teaching methodologies are used. The theoretical-práric classes are essentially exhibition and interaction, and aimed at elucidating and deepening the themes taught with the aid of appropriate didactic material (anatomical models, videos), complemented through simulated practice. The student's working time will be oriented to various programmatic rubrics. The continuous evaluation regimen consists of two moments of written test (40%) and two evaluations of laboratory practices (60%). In all items, the UfP Pedagogical Regulation applies.
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The teaching methodology centered on the theoretical-practical and practical information of the topics addressed, including the use of appropriate teaching resources, such as videos and manipulation of anatomical models, allows the student to acquire fundamental concepts of anatomy and physiology of the human organism. The simulation and presentation of practical cases allows an adequate transfer of these contents for the development of competences of the health assistant in general interdependent care.
Berger, Louise; Mailloux-Poirier, D. M. (1995). Pessoas idosas: uma abordagem global. Lisboa : Lusodidata. Hockenberry, M. J., (2008). Wong - Fundamentos de Enfermagem Pediátrica. Loures: Lusodidacta Hoeman, Sirley P. (2000). Enfermagem de reabilitação: aplicação e processos. 2a ed. Lisboa: Lusociência. Neves, Eloita P. (1987). Reflexões acerca dos conceitos autocuidado e competência: poder para o autocuidado. Revista Esc. Enfermagem USP, São Paulo. Potter, P. (2005). Fundamentos de Enfermagem: conceitos e procedimentos clínicos. Trad. Ana Passos e Maria Reina, 2a ed. Loures: Lusociência. Secretaria Municipal de saúde. Manual para cuidadores informais de Idosos: guia prático. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 8 ago. 2014