Curricular Unit:Code:
Environmental Analysis Techniques1055TAAB
1MasterSpecialized Laboratory Analyses (Alimentary and Environmental Analysis)3 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
The objective of this curricular unit is to develop knowledge regarding the main environmental technologies available for the prevention and control of pollution, for the remediation of contaminated environments and for pollution monitoring.
The skills to be developed with this curricular unit are:
• Capacity for systematic comprehension of the principles of the most important environmental technologies;
• Capacity to analyze critically, evaluate and synthesize ideas regarding environmental technologies, namely their potentialities and limitations
Elementar concepts in Ecology
1.1 Ecology: concept and objectives
1.2 Ecology: multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity.
1.3 Ecology: divisions
1.4 Organization levels: organism, species, populations, communities and ecosystems
2. Ecosystems
2.1 General composition and structure of the ecosystems: abiotic and biotic components
2.2 Ecological factors
2.3 Populations
2.4. Communities
2.5 Stability, resilience, resistance and persistance.
2.6 Characterization of the main types of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems
2.7 Case study “Tinto river”
3. Experimental Techniques for Environmental Monitoring
3.1 Aquatic ecosystems
3.2 Substrate analises
3.3 Environmental Monitoring in Industry
4. Experimental Techniques for Environmental Remediation.
4.1. Physical operations.
4.2. Chemical processes
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
The syllabus of this curricular unit covers several Techniques for Environmental Analysis, regarding environmental monitoring, as well as the recovery of contaminated environments. The notions of ecology and ecosystems will be focused in an initial stage of this course, in order to enable students a better understanding of the concepts to bedeveloped in the topics of environmental monitoring and environmental recovery.
In Chapter 4, the contents are intended to carry out the approach of materials and skills necessary for the understanding of the functioning of some steps of a water treatment system, the knowledge of "how it works" and what situations applies.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The teaching methodologies are mainly expositive, interrogative and demonstrative, promoting critical analysis of the problems presented, and the synthesizing of ideas regarding their solution.
Case-studies are frequently used, in order to allow the interpretation and correct application of theoretical knowledge. Particular importance will be given to the collection of experimental data applied to themes under study, both through field trips and laboratorial essays. These data will be analyzed and interpreted with the support of adequate literature review. Whenever possible, lectures with external guests are promoted.
The evaluation is continuous, through the practical application of knowledge in individual or group assignments, and research essays
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The methodologies of teaching and learning of this course were programmed to boost the practical application of learned theoretical concepts. It is primarily intended for students to be able to identify appropriate operational practices regarding environmental analysis techniques in the scope of environmental monitoring and the recovery of contaminated environments. Thus, lectures with external speakers, laboratory classes and case studies analyzed in class are learning-oriented study that allow students to understand the relevance of these themes
Clarke, J. (2019). Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation. SYRAWOOD Publishing House. 
Chambers, P. (2019). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. EDTECH.
Hussain, C. M. (2020). The Handbook of Environmental Remediation: Classic and Modern Techniques. Royal Society of Chemistry.
Richard Wright – Environmental Science: Toward A Sustainable Future 13th Edition, 2022