Curricular Unit:Code:
Metrology and Calibration1100MCAL
1CTSPLaboratory Analyses4 ects
Learning Period:Language of Instruction:Total Hours:
Spring SemesterPortuguese/English52
Learning Outcomes of the Curricular Unit:
In this curricular unit are deepened the concepts and techniques in the area of metrology.
By successfully completing this curricular unit students should be able to:
• Identify and manage the metrological function of an organization;
• Identify the areas of metrology applicable by activity
• Select the measuring equipment;
• Understand the applicable metrological chain;
• Know and interpret the regulations and legislation in the area of metrology;
• Manage calibration/verification programs;
• Use the measuring equipment and interpret the data.
The additional cross-cutting skills that will be worked on will be:
• Autonomous and team work;
• Organization and planning capacity;
• Ability to make decisions;
• Self-learning capacity;
• Ability to apply knowledge;
• Ability to adapt to new situations.
1. General requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment
2. Metrological confirmation and realization of measurement processes.
3. Measurement uncertainty and traceability.
4. Analysis and improvement of the measurement management system.
5. Cool metrology. Metrological control.
6. International Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM). Fundamental and general concepts and associated terms. International Vocabulary of Legal Metrology (VIML). Activities of legal metrology.
7. General requirements
8. Structure requirements
9. Resource requirements
10. Process requirements
11. Management system requirements
Demonstration of the Syllabus Coherence with the Curricular Unit's Objectives:
Program contents cover the objectives formulated for the curricular unit including the methodological processes associated with the management of calibration/verification programs and the use and suitability of measurement equipment in the metrological function of an organization.
Teaching Methodologies (Including Evaluation):
The teaching-learning methodology is expositive, interrogative and demonstrative during the theoretical-practical classes and in the orientation sessions of the study. The oriented case study is used to allow the correctly interpreting and applying the theoretical knowledge acquired to real situations. Where applicable, study visits to metrology laboratories are organised. The evaluation of this curricular unit takes place continuously during the theoretical-practical classes, through the performance of practical work, as well as the realization of an individual performance frequency. The final grade is composed of the average frequency assessment, weighted at 70%, 30% for practical work (which includes the presentation of a written report).
Demonstration of the Coherence between the Teaching Methodologies and the Learning Outcomes:
The teaching-learning methodologies of this curricular unit were programmed in order to enhance an overview of metrology issues, as well as the applicable regulations and legislation. The teaching methodologies are in coherence with the objectives of the curricular unit, since the exhibition methodology associated with the analysis of concrete situations and the development of work on installment aspects allow the understanding of the challenges facing future professionals. The continuous evaluation process, consisting of a frequency and practical work allows to maintain a balance between the effort dedicated to both components, theoretical and practical. The objective is to train professionals who are aware of the techniques and methodologies applied to this area, within a framework of advanced knowledge consistent with the state of knowledge.
IPQ(2005)NP EN ISO 10012:2005 - Sistemas de gestão da medição. Requisitos para processos de medição e equipamento de medição;
IPQ (2018) NP EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 – Requisitos gerais de competência para laboratórios de ensaio e calibração, IPQ
IPQ(2012) VIM Vocabulário Internacional de Metrologia, IPQ
IPQ(2017) VIML Vocabulário Internacional de Metrologia Legal, IPQ